Minggu, 19 Januari 2020

My Holiday to My Uncle an Aunt's House

   At a holiday in December 2019, I and my two little sisters went to my uncle and aunt's house. We arrived at my uncle and aunt's house at night, so we go straight to bed. The next morning I woke up and prepare for breakfast. Then we went to Lippo Mall Puri. When we arrived at Lippo Mall Puri, we look for a parking place so long because the place is full. Then suddenly a car went out of its parking place. Then we ark there.
   We took out a big plastic full of manggoes and we bring it inside the mall to a bazar place. My Uncle and Aunt sell Bumbu Rujak Bangkok in the bazar. Me and my little sisters help my Uncle and Aunt to take the manggoes from the refrigarator and to ask people if they would like to buy the rujak. In the first day in the bazar, me and my little sisters were so excited to help my Uncle and Aunt. At night we went home.
   The next day me and my second little sister woke up so late. So we were left at home with some bread to eat. My Uncle, Aunt, and my first little sister were on the way back to my Uncle and Aunt's house. After me and my second little sister finish eating and preparing, my Uncle and Aunt arrived. My Uncle and Aunt brought us food for lunch.
   After we eat lunch, I went to the third floor to give my Uncle and Aunt's dogs some dog food. After feeding them food I wash my hands and went back down. After breakfast my uncle went work. My Aunt, me, and my two little sisters went yo a place. We do muay thai. It was so fun! We learn some moves and we had a lot of fun. After muay thai, we eat dinner down stairs below the muay thai place.
   After dinner we went to another place. There we pray then went home. My Uncle was in the place we pray so we went home together. Then we sleep. At the next morning we prepare to go home. After that we went to Lippo Mall Puri.
   We start selling rujak again. Until at night, we went home but we didn't bring our stuffs. So, the stuffs was send to our home. When we arrived home me and my two little sister hug my mother. We ate dinner together then went to bed. Before bed, I said to myself, it was a wonderful holiday! This is the picture of one of my Uncle and Aunt's dog. She is so cute!English Blog Wenny Lysia Hiu 7C

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